Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Australia Week 3

Hello Everyone,

Adelaide Temple

It is already starting my fourth week and time is just flying by so fast, it is crazy I expected Christmas to be very different and difficult, but it was very similar to our Christmas back in the US, the only difference is the hot weather it was 104 on Christmas Day! Our mission president, President Parker, and his wife are amazing and helped all of us missionaries feel like family and celebrated Christmas together! It was really fun we had food and we did little skits that each zone performed (Ours was the best!)! Christmas Day we had lunch and dinner at Brother and sister Raeside's home (Our ward mission leader). I was able to eat Kangaroo meat for dinner and it was very delicious and tasty! Very similar to the look and texture of steak! 
Eating Kangaroo

It has been raining for the past couple of days so that has been nice to see compared to Arizona weather and it helped cool down the weather for sure! On Monday they had a holiday called Boxing Day which is essentially Black Friday! It was so crowded with people in the city it was crazy, but the thing is it is after Christmas, so you really can't save money on Christmas gifts! Since the holidays have passed we are able to focus more time on missionary work.

Christmas Ties

 With the holidays we were very busy and we had a very busy week! I am eating so unhealthy out on the field like just candy all the time! Especially after getting our Christmas packages from friends and family, just full of candy like skittles and starbursts and chocolate, so we have all been eating very unhealthy at the flat ha ha! We finally get to go shopping today so we can resupply on food, 
that is always nice!

Last weeks Baptism of Andy
There is a very heavy Asian and Chinese population here in Australia and that is our main focus right now.  I should be getting manuals this week to learn Mandarin Chinese! Me learning Mandarin ought to be interesting. Thank goodness my companion is from China! One thing that is different here then in the US is we teach all of our lessons at  the Teaching/Visitors Center. We able to show investigators videos with our lessons. It's really neat.  We are now preparing for some baptismal dates coming up in January and also preparing for the New Year!


 Here are few pictures of Adelaide Temple that we went to last week.
Me and Elder Chen

Elder Mose Zone leader

Me and my roommates

Elder Chen and I

 I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year!


  1. Our dog food is kangaroo and I pay royally for it. Non allergic. You should be used to 104 degrees, just not at Christmas. You look great. The sugar has had no negative effects. 😉 We are getting along well. Rick is just crazy as usual. Happy New Years!

  2. Happy New Year. Sounds like your New Year is already off to a wonderful start.
