Monday, May 8, 2017

We can move mountains (week 21& 22)

Hey everyone, I hope you all had a fantastic week!

I have heard that it is starting to warm up back in AZ, ha ha! It is cold here now that winter is starting and has been cloudy for a week straight. It looks like it will still be cloudy this week too, which is a record for me. Probably the longest time I have seen clouds fill the sky. I like the change, since it is always sunny in Arizona!  Elder Shortland and I have been talking to people on the street. It is crazy to see how much God helps to take away your fears, I really don't fear talking to people anymore. It is so easy to walk up to random people and just have a conversation! For all of you that know me, you know that is a miracle ha ha!
Elder Shortland and I

 Prospect Ward had it's conference last week and it was really solid! Continue to read your scriptures daily, pray, and attend church every Sunday. Remember doing these things won't  make a big sudden change in your life, but it is more like a big picture. Doing these things just adds a little brush stroke to the picture and over time the end result is something truly special and powerful! So continue to be diligent in praying to God and reading the scriptures and attending church!

Well this has certainty been a very interesting week to say the least! Elder Shortland and I are no longer companions! I am training an elder from Taiwan and Elder Shortland is training an elder from Hong Kong.  Now there is six of us living in the flat! It has been very interesting and it came out of no where! We also had zone training this week.  
I have been moved to the city branch and will be attending there full time now, which is very exciting!  It's interesting experience having to train a new Elder, it is a lot of responsibility.   You do learn a lot and have to rely on the Lord for guidance and strength!

View from the City Branch Chapel

I hope you all have a great week, and remember to always have faith in Jesus Christ, because only through Faith can we find peace and Happiness and feel God and Jesus Christ's love for us, and if we have strong enough faith we can move mountains!!!! The Lord will help us overcome any trial or challenge we have, we just need to turn and face it. Have faith and rely on the Lord for strength to over come it!!!!!! 

Please feel free to email me updates, pictures or whatever you want, I just want to see what everyone has been up to:) I hope you all have a great week and I love you all!!!!!!! 

               Elder Ethan Salcedo

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