Monday, September 11, 2017

Royal Adelaide Show (Week 37 & 38)

Hello Everyone,

(Week 37)

It has been a while since I have last written a letter, but that is because I was able to attend the temple today so my P-day changed this week. I was able to do an endowment session for my great grandfather and it made the experience very memorable and a much greater experience as well! It is very special to be able to do temple work for those in your family. It helps you grow closer to them. We also celebrated President Monson's birthday last week by buying a cake and singing happy birthday ha-ha it was fun.

 Sunday was the baptism of two of the investigators I had the pleasure of teaching Felix and Max. They both had come a long way on their journey to Christ, especially Felix. He was a non believer who only took science as a fact and would not admit the promptings he had for the spirit. It was a big struggle at first because his language was not the greatest (Chinese). As we invited him to more baptisms, church and to write down his feelings in a journal every time he prayed, or when he read and came to church he was able to recognize the spirit touching his heart. He overcame a smoke addiction. He stood up to his group of friends and said no when they offered him to smoke. He is such a testimony to me, that no matter who we meet in this life through Jesus Christ anyone can change and come unto Him! 
Felix and Max baptism
On Monday we also spent the whole day tabbing book of Mormons for the Royal Adelaide show tomorrow. We did 250 of them.  It took ages to get them all done even though we had like 22 missionaries helping ha-ha! It will be exciting as people will receive these book of Mormons at the show this week and next.  The book contains questions of the soul, such as what is the purpose of life.  It will be great to see all of the miracles from it as well. It has been a very busy week, but I do have a few pictures. We went out to eat with our recent converts Jim and Felix and we had hot pot and it was very delicious and spicy. I hope you all have a great week and I love you all!!!
Eating Hot Pot with Jim and Felix

(Week 38) 
Hello everyone just a quick update for the week. This week was pretty cool because we were able to go to the Royal Adelaide Show. The elders have to act as bouncers, so if someone was trying to cause trouble at our booth or mess with the sisters, we can be there to stop it.  Elder Li and I have been there a few times already this weekend on our shift and it is a really popular community event. There are heaps of people and lots of food, rides and booths around with different information and products being shared. We are there sharing information about the church, family history and the Book of Mormon as well!  It goes the whole week, so we will be there all week. 

6 Baptisms in one day!

We also had a fireside last night about the Restoration of the church.  Jim our recent convert shared his testimony and experience.  It was really good to be able to witness that last night. The spirit was so strong as many people testified of the truth of the Book of Mormon and how the church has been restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith. It means so much that we have a prophet that lives today, President Thomas S. Monson. I am grateful that Joseph Smith restored lost eternal truths for us as well as the restoration of the priesthood. The priesthood allows us the privilege to be baptized and participate in many other ordinances and receive the blessings and promises that God gives us. These ordinances can now be performed by someone holding the priesthood authority of God.

Beautiful Australia Rainbow
 I encourage everyone to read the Book of Mormon because it is evidence that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God and that the church has been restored through him. It is also evidence that Jesus Christ is the Savior and Redeemer of the World and it is also evidence that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is Jesus Christ's church on the earth. I know that these three simple truths are true because I have read the Book of Mormon myself and most importantly I have prayed to know if the message it contains it is true. I have been able to receive a witness through the Holy Ghost that it is true. I encourage you all to read the book if you haven't and ask God if the book is true. I know that God will answer you through the Holy Ghost and for those who have, I encourage you to keep doing it because I promise you that your testimony of it will continue to develop and grow. I Hope you all have a great week and I love you all!!! 

               Elder Ethan Salcedo

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